Book 2

The Book of the Sword

by A.J. Lake

Published 2 April 2007
Snatched by a dragon at the end of book one, Edmund and Elspeth awake to find themselves soaring over the frozen wastes of the Snowlands, hundreds of miles from home. Escaping the dragon's clutches, they are discovered in the soft snow by Fritha. a charcoal burner's daughter. Edmund wants her help to arrange a passage home, but Elspeth has other ideas. The sword is speaking to her, filling her thoughts more and more. It's destiny is nearby, the purpose for which is was hewn, and where the sword goes, Elspeth must follow, increasingly under it's spell. Edmund and Fritha refuse to let Elspeth travel alone, and so they set out together on a perlilous route to Eigg Loki, the mountain which is drawing Elspeth and the sword, and to the dark secrets which lie at its heart.

Book 3

The Circle of Stone

by A.J. Lake

Published 18 February 2008
At the end of the last book, evil Loki tricked Elspeth into freeing him of his bonds. Now Edmund and Elspeth are desperately searching for his trail, but the fire and destruction they expect does not materialise. Loki is strangely elusive. Instead they find unusual emblems carved along the route they take. They also find a young boy, lost and wandering in the confusion of displaced families, as they travel further south and closer to the war between Visigoths and invading English. Edmund and Elspeth can't help feeling they are being led further and further into a trap, but have no choice other than to follow even the smallest clues. As they continue on their treacherous journey, the young boy begins to behave strangely, and it soon becomes clear he knows something about Loki and where they might find him - but maybe Loki has found them first ...

The Coming of Dragons

by A.J. Lake

Published 1 May 2006
Two eleven-year-olds named Edmund and Elspeth discover that they have been given fantastic gifts to use against the ancient and evil forces that have been awakened by powerful magic during the Dark Ages in Great Britain.