Book 1

On the Fly

by Katie Kenyhercz

Published 18 March 2013
Jacey Vaughn has a newly minted MBA when her father dies unexpectedly and leaves her his NHL team. Well-versed in business but not so much in hockey, Jacey navigates this new world with a few stumbles. She definitely doesn't plan on falling for the team captain. At the first hint of scandal, a local Las Vegas reporter latches on, and Jacey finds herself in the newspaper with headlines that hurt instead of help. Jacey's determined to keep her father's legacy alive and make the team successful, but while she has no problem denying her feelings to the media, she can't lie to herself.

Carter Phlynn has known nothing but hockey his entire life. Drafted into the NHL at age eighteen, winning the Stanley Cup is all he's ever wanted. Nothing has ever disrupted his focus. Not until he meets his new boss. Jacey gets under his skin like no one else, and while dating the team owner would be a disaster for his career and reputation, he can't get her out of his head. Carter has never had a relationship last more than a month, but the more he's around Jacey, the more he can't picture his future without her.

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Book 2

Full Strength

by Katie Kenyhercz

Published 17 February 2014
After a bum knee ended her soccer days, Alexandra - Allie - Kallen has dedicated her life to helping injured athletes cope and get back in the game. As the new team sports psychologist of the Las Vegas Sinners, she starts out with just one player, but he's a handful. Goalies are stubborn, and she would know. She's determined to figure him out and return him to the net good as new, especially after she sent her last patient back to the ice too soon. The problem is, she sees so much of herself in Shane, and their chemistry is off the charts. Falling for him isn't in the plan. Is love worth losing her career?

Shane Reese's entire identity has been wrapped up in being a goalie since he was five years old. When he gets a high ankle sprain right before playoffs, he doesn't exactly take it well. After putting his fist through the physical therapy room wall and hitting a few joking teammates, he's ordered to see the new shrink. All he has to do is convince her he's seen the light, and he can get back to defending his team as soon as his ankle heals. The problem is, she sees through him like no one he's ever met, and the more time he spends with her, the less hot he is to get back to the ice. Could something mean more than hockey?

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Book 3

Winning Streak

by Katie Kenyhercz

Published 24 November 2014
As the new head of public relations for the Las Vegas Sinners hockey team, Saralynn Reese wants to leave behind the frivolity of her popular girl image. Unfortunately, her first big assignment is to clean up the media messes of the team's assistant general manager, Madden Vaughn. He's flirty, impulsive, and self-centered; he also happens to be drop-dead gorgeous. Could there be more to Madden under the Ralph Lauren surface?

Having struggled with a gambling addiction since his early twenties, Madden's finally moved past it and into a secure, corporate job working for his sister, the one person who means the world to him. When rumors fly and the team and his family both doubt his word, an unlikely ally pulls him out of his funk with a manicured hand: Saralynn.

He's tired of chasing the same type of unattainable girl, and this up-and-coming publicity dynamo fits that mold perfectly. But she also challenges him and believes in him like no one else. Can they help each other keep their feet on solid ground . . . or will these twin hearts find themselves skating on thin ice?

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Book 4

Home Ice

by Katie Kenyhercz

Published 29 June 2015
Lorelai Kelly was mere inches from her Olympic goal, but a broken ankle landing a triple axel in the spotlight forced her to delay the gold medal hunt another four years. Now she's starring in the Sin City on Ice show to make ends meet and focused on a comeback that keeps eluding her grasp.

Dylan gained national attention in his early teens and went on to become the NHL's youngest captain and leading scorer in his second season. He breathed new life into a sport that had been dying in the States, but it's lonely at the top. Now the captain of the Vegas Sinners team is feeling the pressure and looking for something more.

America's ice princess might be the only one who can help his current slump--and Dylan's way of expressing thanks could undermine everything Lori has worked for. Can two people who spend their lives on the ice thaw just enough to let each other in?

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Book 5

Fair Trade

by Katie Kenyhercz

Published 7 December 2015
When ambitious Olivia Parker is offered the prime position of assistant physician for the Las Vegas Sinners hockey team, she's determined to prove she belongs there. But it's lonely at the top. Her professional focus has lost her countless personal relationships, and now she's ready for a fresh start. What she's not ready for is her gorgeous new patient showing her everything she's been missing. Could a shot at real love be worth risking her ethical code?

Grayson Gunn happily played his entire career for his hometown team, never having won hockey's greatest prize. A surprise trade to the Sinners gives him one last chance at the Cup before he hangs up his skates, and nothing will stand in his way, not even the injuries that send him to the team's pretty new doctor. A little flirtation now that he's on his way out of the NHL can't hurt though...right? But when he gets a second chance to keep playing, Grayson is torn between the game he's lived for and the woman he can't seem to live without.

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Book 6

What Happens in Vegas

by Katie Kenyhercz

Published 16 March 2016