The Lovers

by Bessie Head

Published 24 March 2011

The Loverscollects Head’s short fiction of the 1960s and 70s, written mainly in Serowe, Botswana, and depicting the lives and loves of African village people pre- and post-independence. An earlier selection called Tales of Tenderness and Power was published in the Heinemann African Writers Series in 1990, but this expanded and updated volume adds many previously unavailable stories collected here for the first time. Anthology favourites like her breakthrough 'The Woman from America' and 'The Prisoner who Wore Glasses' are included, leading up to the first complete text of her much translated title story.


Village of the Rain Wind

by Bessie Head

Published 19 June 2008
In Serowe:Village of the Rain Wind, Bessie Head blends her skills as a novelist with the actual words of nearly one hundred inhabitants of a Botswanan village called Serowe to present a clear picture of the village community and its history. Serowe is one of the best-known villages in Africa, the capital of the people ruled by the Khamas, of whom Tshekedi and Seretse are the most famous. This collection of writings also tells of a remarkable transition between the setting up and the dismantling of white colonialism in Botswana.

A Question of Power

by Bessie Head

Published 29 October 1973
It is never clear to Elizabeth whether the mission principal's cruel revelations of her origins is at the bottom of her mental breakdown, but in the dark loneliness of the Botswanan night, the frightened South African refugee slips in and out of sanity.

A collection of autobiographical writings, sketches and essays which covers the entire span of Bessie Head's creative life

Collector Of Treasures

by Bessie Head

Published 21 September 1992
A collection of short stories based on life in a Botswanan village, including the story of a woman who murders the husband who deserted her years before.

AWS Classics Maru

by Bessie Head

Published 1 November 1995
Maru is the moving tale of an orphaned Masarwa girl who goes to teach in a remote village in Botswana where her own people are kept as slaves. Her presence polarises a community which does not see Masarwa people as human, and condemns her to the lonely life of an outcast. Bessie Head was one of the best-known writers in Africa, whose works were mostly inspired by her own traumatic life experiences as an outcast in Apartheid South African society. This edition of Maru includes an introduction by Stephen Gray, former Head of English at the University of Johannesburg.