The Pursuit of God

by A W Tozer

Published May 1969
The depth, clarity and completeness of this message has made THE PURSUIT OF GOD an enduring favourite. "The writings of Tozer shake me from slumber, inspire grand thoughts of God and expose the compromise in my heart." - Steve Green.

The AUTHENTIC CLASSICS range brings together some of the best-loved books of the last six decades at a price you can afford! The series provides stories of hope, practical guidance and solid teaching from internationally acclaimed Christian authors. Paperback.

God Tells the Man Who Cares

by A W Tozer

Published 1 December 1970
In this compelling book, Tozer teaches that God will only speak to us when we have learned to listen, and attuned our hearts to him. Tozer exposes the weaknesses of the church in this regard, but also offers a message of hope, that God is always ready and willing to respond to our obedience.

God's Pursuit of Man

by A W Tozer

Published 1 October 2006
Tozer's profound 'prequel' to The Pursuit of God.

Jesus Is Victor

by A W Tozer

Published 1 May 1989
Tozer looks at the underlying spiritual lessons in the book of Revelation.

Set of the Sail

by A W Tozer and Harry Verploegh

Published 12 December 1986
The theme of this collection of editorials from The Alliance Witness is well summed up in Tozer's own exhortation to readers: "Let us set our sails in the will of God. If we do this we will certainly find ourselves moving in the right direction, no matter which way the wind blows."

Price of Neglect

by A W Tozer

Published 12 December 1991
What about secularism, carnal worship and lifestyles identical with those of the world? Are these things the price that has been paid for following trends instead of God's Word? Tozer examines the price of following trends instead of God's word.

Knowledge of the Holy

by A W Tozer

Published 7 January 1965

A true work of faith and devotion, The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer attempts to restore the eminence and wonder of God in the hearts and minds of all Christians. In this modern spiritual classic, Tozer asserts that the cure for many of our modern spiritual woes lies in our rediscovery of God's majesty.

The Knowledge of the Holy bears eloquent witness to that concept; it encourages reverent meditation on the being of God, and offers a way to bring back spiritual power to our lives. A superb aid to strengthening and deepening the spiritual life, each chapter begins with a prayer, discusses an aspect of the divine, and relates it to today's world while pointing always to God's wonder and inscrutability. This book will be treasured by anyone committed to the Christian faith.

A. W. Tozer (1897-1963), noted author, teacher, and pastor, wrote more than thirty books. He served as pastor of Christian and Missionary Alliance churches in Chicago and Toronto and in 1950 became the editor of the Alliance Witness. Tozer was known for his deep and personal relationship with God. His life is a compelling example of spiritual passion, commitment to lifelong learning, and the integration of theological reflection and ministry.

The Root of the Righteous

by A W Tozer

Published 1 December 1986
This inspiring collection of essays was complied from articles Tozer wrote while Editor of what is now the Alliance Life, the official publication of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Each of them centres around the everyday problems that Christians face in the world, and the need to engage with earthbound living whilst keeping heaven in view.

Tozer's message is as powerful and meaningful in today's world as it was in his own time: it is both timely and timeless.

Man - The Dwelling Place of God

by A W Tozer

Published 1 December 1966
In this book Tozer focuses on one central theme: the relationship between God and man. A collection of insightful editorials from Tozers time as Editor of what is now the Alliance Life, the official publication of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, in which Tozer focuses on one central theme: the relationship between God and man.

Here Tozer exhorts Christians to grow in the knowledge of the presence of God in their own lives

That Incredible Christian

by A W Tozer

Published 1 December 1977
A carefully chosen selection of editorials from Tozer's time as editor of what is now the Alliance Life, with the common theme of recognizing God for who he is and giving him the honour and worship due to him.

Tozer tells us that God intends for truth to move us to moral action, that the Holy Spirit is working to bring each believer into a spiritual development according to the Father's nature, and that anything that keeps us from the Bible, no matter how harmless it appears, is our enemy.

He reminds us that while we may be in the world, we are not of this world. Each chapter will instruct those who seek to truly know and follow God, showing how heaven's children are to live on earth.

Who was ultimately responsible for sentencing Jesus to death on the cross? Can we ever be good enough for God? Do all 'religious' people go to heaven?

In Who Put Jesus on the Cross? A.W. Tozer examines some of the most difficult questions of the Christian faith. His indictment of lacklustre belief forms the cornerstone of his appeal as he asks the reader what it really costs to be a Christian. Tozer inspires conviction that will have you digging deep within your heart to newly realize the meaning of Christ's death and resurrection and discover the 'Word of God as the foundation of our peace and rest.'

I Talk Back to the Devil

by A W Tozer

Published 1 December 1972
Of this book, Tozer wrote: "I have never given more time and more pain and more power to any other series of sermons in my ministry. The sermons compiled in this book challenge believers to stand up to the devil in the power of the Holy Spirit, and boldly enter lion country."

10-Pack (10 Vols)

by A W Tozer

Published 1 December 2008
Products in this pack include: God Tells The Man Who Care
Knowledge Of The Holy
Man: The Dwelling Place Of God
Pursuit Of God, The
Root Of The Righteous
Set Of The Sail
I Talk Back To The Devil
That Incredible Christian
Whatever happened to worship
This World Playground Or Battleground

There was a time, Tozer writes, when our Christian forebears saw the world as it truly is: a battlefield. They knew that hell was a force pitted against God, heaven and righteousness. Tozer fears that now people think of the world as a playground, not a battleground. He exhorts us to appreciate the seriousness of the spiritual struggle we are all engaged in, but also to see it as a battle in which victory is certain.

We Travel An Appointed Way

by A W Tozer

Published 1 May 1988
There is no such thing as an accident with God. Learning to discern and identify His ways while cultivating an obedient walk with him will instill a faith based on certainty, not chance and will ensure spiritual progress. 112 pages, from Authentic.

Faith Beyond Reason

by A W Tozer

Published 1 October 1989
Do you believe God will move heaven and earth for you if you trust him? Faith Beyond Reason will leave you with a new and empowering sense of what your faith means while subtly revealing the power of God in your life.

Whatever Happened to Worship?

by A W Tozer

Published 31 December 1985
A plea for a return to worship soaked in truth, humilty and love. If Tozer had lived longer this is the book he intended to write next. It is a compilation from tapes of sermons preached to his Toronto congregation. Tozer exhorts Christians to forego the entertainment aspect of modern worship and return to worship that is cloaked in truth, praise, adoration, humility and love.

In order to fulfill God's plan for us, our attitudes and life must be directed to the worship of him. Whether spoken or written, Tozer's words were designed to 'promote personal heart religion' among God's people.

6-Pack (6 Vols)

by A W Tozer

Published 1 April 2011
This series features six of Tozer's classic works, as relevant and powerful today as ever. A.W. Tozer was called a 20th-century prophet even in his own lifetime. Converted at 17 after an encounter with a street preacher, his ministry spanned more than 40 years. He is one of the best-loved Christian authors of all time. His writings have had a profound influence on many leading Christian figures worldwide. Titles in this box set include: God's Pursuit of Man, Faith Beyond Reason, The Price of Neglect, Jesus is Victor, We Travel an Appointed Way and Who Put Jesus on the Cross?