This lively, concise and to-the-point guide offers hints and practical sugestions to help you deal with the issues you face when working on a group project. It helps you to understand what goes on in project groups, to move forward in difficult situation, and to draw valuable lessons from the experience.

· How to share out the work

· How to transform your group into a team

· How to take decision

· How to deal with‘free riders’

· How to work constructively with someone you don't like

· How to make good use of your experience when applying for jobs

A must for every student working on a group project, and especially recommended if you have been put into a group, assigned a project and left alone to get on with it!

"A good read. The clear explanations of how to prepare for exams and ways to choose and answer questions are practical and useful."
BA Geography student

"Relevant for exams and how I should approach my studies. It was easy to synthesize the information given - and comforting! My problems don't seem unique to me any more."
MSc Management student

This lively, concise and to-the-point guide offers hints and practical suggestions to help you develop good exam-preparation skills and build your confidence, so that you can get results that do justice to the work you've put in.

  • How to use past exam papers
  • How to decode difficult-to-understand exam questions
  • How to structure top-quality answers
  • How to revise effectively
  • How to get in the right frame of mind for exams
  • How to do your best on the day
A must for every student preparing for traditional exams!

Excellent Dissertations!

by Peter Levin

Published 1 January 2005

Skilful Time Management

by Peter Levin

Published 1 January 2007
'I was getting badly behind with my work - missing deadlines and not covering essential ground. Peter's practical suggestions have helped me prioritize my tasks, make much better use of my time, and get back on track.'
BSc Economics student

Are you, like many other students, faced with complex and often conflicting demands on your time? Do you feel as though you're constantly under pressure to make difficult decisions about what task to get on with next? Do you find having irregular deadlines superimposed on top of your weekly timetable a headache to deal with?

This book is designed to help you cope with academic demands in a way that makes best use of your time - and puts you in control of your life. It is based on the principle that an ounce of organization can save you a ton of struggle. It shows you, among other things, how to

  • Create a time-use strategy and put it into practice
  • Plan your weekly routine
  • Prioritize tasks, and manage two or more tasks at once
  • Use your time productively
  • Overcome blocks to getting started on tasks
  • Make sure you meet deadlines

Conquer Study Stress!

by Peter Levin

Published 1 January 2007
Shows how to beat twenty of the most common causes of student stress. This book describes the symptoms, gives a diagnosis and offers remedies. It covers such features of student life as: the culture shock facing new students; reading and note-taking and monster reading lists; and, writing under pressure.

A must for every student with essays to write!

- How to deal with ‘academic-speak’ and monster reading lists

- How to choose and use an efficient reading and note-taking strategy

- How to clarify awkward essay topics

- How to find the right structure for your essay

- How to avoid accusations of plagiarism

This lively, concise and to-the-point guide will help you to study and write efficiently and effectively. It offers hints and practical suggestions so you can develop good study skills and build your confidence.With this guide you can get the grades you deserve for the work you put in. No student should be without it!