Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Roads to War

by Josh Brooman

Published 28 August 1989
Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Global War

by Josh Brooman

Published 9 July 1990
This book is taken from a series of short, in-depth studies on key areas of 20th century history. It could be used as a complete course or as a supplement to the conventional textbook providing a thorough treatment of a particular topic. It is also suitable as back-up material in the classroom or at home. Topics are presented in sufficient depth for GCSE examination work and the language is simple with clearly explained concepts making it suitable for students of differing abilities. Extracts supplement the main narrative and questions on both written and illustrative sources encourage the development of historical skills. Work sections at the end of each chapter test understanding of both text and illustrations. The author taught at John Ruskin School, Croydon and is now a freelance writer. He has also prepared an edition of "Howarth: Twentieth Century History: The World Since 1900".

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

This series of short books on key areas of twentieth-century world history can be used in a variety of ways:

  • As a complete course, providing an alternative to the conventional textbook.
  • As a supplement to the textbook, providing an in-depth treatment of a particular topic.
  • As backup material for textbooks where a different approach is required.

Weimar Germany: Germany 1918-33

by Josh Brooman

Published 28 October 1985
Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.

Conflict in Palestine

by Josh Brooman

Published 22 January 1990
Practical topic books for key periods in 20th Century History.

Ideal topic books to use as a complete course or as supplementary resources providing in-depth focus on major themes and events.