Book 3

Clementine's Letter

by Sara Pennypacker

Published 1 April 2008
Clementine is convinced that her new teacher is secretly hypnotising all the students in her class. How else do you explain a bunch of kids sitting frozen like statues? With her old teacher leaving, Clementine fears that no one will understand her anymore and that she'll always be in trouble. Can she stop him from leaving? Can she get the new teacher to accept her? Or is life as a statue inevitable?

Book 5

Book 6

Third-grader Clementine's school field trip to Plimoth Plantation leads to all kind of discoveries, from fourth grade eating rules to the source of the stink on the bus.


by Sara Pennypacker

Published 15 September 2006
Clementine seems to be constantly in trouble...Firstly, for cutting off Margaret's hair - don't they know she was just trying to help? Secondly, for not paying attention in class - just because she's paying attention to something other than maths, doesn't mean she's not paying attention! And thirdly, for the Black Hole, which is her bedroom - it's not like she means to lose things there, that's just the nature of the Black Hole! Perhaps it's time for Clementine to change...or perhaps not!

After Clementine's teacher announces the upcoming talent show, dubbed the 'Talent-palooza', Clementine is thrown into a panic, realising that she can't dance, sing, do fact she can't even hop with any finesse! Annoyingly, her best friend Margaret is at the other end of the spectrum, so much so that she has to alphabetise her talents to keep track of them! The results of the evening are a shock to teachers, parents and most especially, Clementine herself.

With her kitten, Moisturizer, missing and having fought with her best friend, Margaret, eight-year-old Clementine finds it hard to concentrate on doing her best as her classmate's Friend of the Week.

Clementine's Letter

by Sara Pennypacker

Published 6 January 2009