Rise of Modern China Paperback

by Tony Allan

Published 26 February 2003

The Rise of Modern China

by Tony Allan

Published 8 February 2002

Causes of World War I

by Tony Allan

Published 21 November 2002
Explores key topics involving World War I and shows the causes that led up to the outbreak of war, including France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and Germany's attack on France.

This series examines key events of the 20th century. Each title outlines the lead-up and aftermath, explores the issues at stake, and introduces leaders and key figures. Each book contains fact boxes, and source material.

Examining key events of the 20th century, each title in this series outlines the lead-up and aftermath, explores the issues, and introduces leaders and key figures. Titles of useful websites and further reading recommendations are given.

Russian Revolution

by Tony Allan

Published 21 November 2002

The Rise of Modern China

by Tony Allan

Published 18 March 2002