Snakes that can fly! Black mambas with fast-working venom! Pythons that eat antelopes whole! 'Deadly Snakes' takes you around the world to explore the lives of predators such as anacondas, king cobras, gaboon vipers, and rattlesnakes.
Secretary birds that stamp on snakes! Burrowing owls that can sound like rattlesnakes! Eagles with talons that can kill a hare instantly! 'Birds of Prey' takes you around the world to explore the lives of predators such as peregrine falcons, ospreys, bald eagles, and snowy owls.
Piranhas that can smell just a drop of blood! Archer fish that shoot down insects with a stream of water! Sharks with 3,000 teeth! 'Killer Fish' takes you around the world to explore the lives of predators such as barracudas, great white sharks, swordfish, and gulper eels.
Ants that set traps for their prey! Assassin bugs that paralyze their victims with poison! Water tigers that dissolve their prey! This book takes you all around the world to explore the lives of predators such as dragonflies, assassin bugs, tiger beetles, and wasps.
From a safe distance, readers will enjoy getting to know the menacing killers that roam each sector of the animal kingdom. Discover how each animal hunts, what it eats, and where it can be found. Most importantly, learn about the physical and behavioural adaptations that have made them supreme...Read more
From a safe distance, readers will enjoy getting to know the menacing killers that roam each sector of the animal kingdom. Discover how each animal hunts, what it eats, and where it can be found. Most importantly, learn about the physical and behavioural adaptations that have made them supreme predators in their realms.
Wolves that hunt prey as big as bison! Jackals that get cheetahs to kill their prey for them! Foxes that love to eat dung beetles! ‘Wolves and Other Dogs’ takes you around the world to explore the lives of predators such as grey wolves, dingoes, coyotes, and red foxes.
Spiders that can breathe underwater! Spiders that can jump twenty times their own body length! Scorpions with a sting that could kill a human! ‘Deadly Spiders and Scorpions’ takes you around the world to explore the lives of predators such as black widows, tarantulas, funnel-web spiders, and death stalker...Read more
Spiders that can breathe underwater! Spiders that can jump twenty times their own body length! Scorpions with a sting that could kill a human! ‘Deadly Spiders and Scorpions’ takes you around the world to explore the lives of predators such as black widows, tarantulas, funnel-web spiders, and death stalker scorpions.
From a safe distance, readers will enjoy getting to know the menacing killers that roam each sector of the animal kingdom. Discover how each animal hunts, what it eats, and where it can be found. Most importantly, learn about the physical and behavioural adaptations that have made them supreme...Read more
From a safe distance, readers will enjoy getting to know the menacing killers that roam each sector of the animal kingdom. Discover how each animal hunts, what it eats, and where it can be found. Most importantly, learn about the physical and behavioural adaptations that have made them supreme predators in their realms.
Leatherback turtles that eat poisonous jellyfish! Chameleons that catch flies with a flick of the tongue! Komodo dragons that can kill water buffalo! This book takes you all around the world to explore the lives of predators such as turtles, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators.
When we think about predators, we think of animals such as tigers and sharks rather than insects. But if we were a couple of centimetres tall or smaller, we might think differently! Wherever we lived, from deep in the soil to high in the treetops, there would be insect...Read more
When we think about predators, we think of animals such as tigers and sharks rather than insects. But if we were a couple of centimetres tall or smaller, we might think differently! Wherever we lived, from deep in the soil to high in the treetops, there would be insect predators about, with weapons such as biting or stabbing jaws, a sting full of deadly poison, or spiny legs for grabbing.
Tigers that kill crocodiles! Lions whose roar can carry for miles! Pumas that can leap nearly 40 feet! This book takes you all around the world to explore the lives of predators such as wildcats, pumas, lions, and jaguars.
Brown bears that fish in waterfalls! Ermines that can kill prey up to ten times their weight! Martens that love to eat porcupines! This book takes you all around the world to explore the lives of predators such as polar bears, badgers, otters, and mongooses.
Think of a predator. The first animal that comes into your mind will probably be a cat. You might think of a lion roaring, or a cheetah bounding across the grassland after a gazelle. You might think of a tiger pulling down a wild bull, or perhaps your pet...Read more
Think of a predator. The first animal that comes into your mind will probably be a cat. You might think of a lion roaring, or a cheetah bounding across the grassland after a gazelle. You might think of a tiger pulling down a wild bull, or perhaps your pet cat stalking birds. Lions, tigers, cheetahs and pet cats are part of the cat family – the Felidae. All of them are superb predators.
A crocodile lurks in a waterhole ready to grab an unwary drinker. A leatherback turtle cruises the ocean snapping up jellyfish. A chameleon on a tree branch flips out its tongue to catch a passing insect. These are all reptile hunters, and they hunt in different ways. But one...Read more
A crocodile lurks in a waterhole ready to grab an unwary drinker. A leatherback turtle cruises the ocean snapping up jellyfish. A chameleon on a tree branch flips out its tongue to catch a passing insect. These are all reptile hunters, and they hunt in different ways. But one thing they have in common is their scaly skin.
Carnivores are animals that eat other animals. All kinds of animals are carnivores, from spiders and dragonflies to sharks. But among the mammals, nearly all land-living carnivores belong to a group of mammals, called the Carnivora –Carnivores with a capital C.
Dolphins that use sound to hunt their prey! Killer whales that can grab seals from the beach! Leopard seals that attack human divers! This book takes you all around the world to explore the lives of predators such as sea lions, whales, dolphins, and porpoises.