This new series provides thorough, factual information about drugs specifically aimed at teenagers. The series aims to educate young people about a range of drugs by providing clear information that does not patronise, over-simplify or judge. The books include: - a realistic range of real-life case studies and experiences - detailed information on the effects of drug-taking on the individual and society - details of organisations who can provide support or provide more information

This new series provides thorough, factual information about drugs specifically aimed at teenagers. The series aims to educate young people about a range of drugs by providing clear information that does not patronise, over-simplify or judge. The books include: - a realistic range of real-life case studies and experiences - detailed information on the effects of drug-taking on the individual and society - details of organisations who can provide support or provide more information

Depression Paperback

by Claire Wallerstein

Published 5 March 2004
'Need to Know' is a series that examines the various social phenomena that are generally considered harmful. Each book traces the history, prevalence and consequences of such phenomena and offers ways of finding help for those involved.

This new series provides thorough, factual information about drugs specifically aimed at teenagers. The series aims to educate young people about a range of drugs by providing clear information that does not patronise, over-simplify or judge. The books include: - a realistic range of real-life case studies and experiences - detailed information on the effects of drug-taking on the individual and society - details of organisations who can provide support or provide more information