The Dark City

by Max Allan Collins

Published 31 December 1987
In 1929, Eliot Ness put away Al "Scarface" Capone and became the biggest living legend this side of law and order. Now it's 1935. With The Untouchables and Prohibition behind him and the Great Depression falling darkly across the nation, Ness arrives in Cleveland to straighten out a crooked city. An anonymous ring of bent cops is dealing in vice, graft, gambling and racketeering, overlorded by a mysterious top cop known as "the outside chief". But between corrupt politicians, jealous colleagues, a parasitic reporter and two blondes with nothing in common, Ness has big troubles pulling the sheets off the bed of blue vipers. Until the outside chief makes a move, and Ness moves just a bit quicker...

Bullet Proof

by Max Allan Collins

Published 1 March 1989
They couldn't buy Ness or break him...So they tried to kill him. Cleveland's a solid union town, but organized crime has put the squeeze on labor with an extortion ring that doesn't stop at murder. Everyone's on the take - everyone except Eliot Ness, who sets a brilliant trap for the big boys. Ness is no stranger to this city of steel and smoke, and the former Untouchable knows its secrets the way he knows the streets of Chicago. Ness is hell-bent on cleaning up his adopted home, but he's a sitting duck for a triggerman with a tommy gun who plans to blow Ness and his pals sky high.