Need to say "no" to the boss but can't imagine how to do it? here are 201 ways to say no in all kinds of situations without alientating or annoying the denied person.

Hours - there aren't enough of them. Succeeding in business has always been tough. These days, it's downright brutal. What do you need most? All the help you can get; What do you need even more? - Time. The "Quick-Tip Survival Guides" put the two together, giving you all the help you need -without taking all the time you have. Focusing on the personal and interpersonal skills crucial to success, the "Quick-Tip Survival Guides"" mine and refine the nuggets of essential business know-how: time-tested truths, as well as savvy from the cutting edge. "201 Ways to Manage Your Time Better" is no weighty tome on efficiency theory, but a compact quick-read collection of practical tips and wasy steps that will start saving you time today. Here are real-world moves for people who need to make the very most out of every business day. Alan Axelrod has produced a wide range of popular business and communications books. Jim Holtje, Director of International Client Services for a Washington, D.C. corporate communications and PR management consulting firm.

Hours. There aren't enough of them.

Succeeding in business has always been tough. These days, it's downright brutal. What do you need most? All the help you can get. What do you need even more? Time. The Quick-Tip Survival Guides put the two together, giving you all the help you need--without taking all the time you have. Focusing on the personal and interpersonal skills crucial to success, the Quick-Tip Survival Guides mine and refine the nuggets of essential business know-how: time-tested truths, as well as savvy from the cutting edge. 201 Ways to Deal with Difficult People looks at real-world situations you face every day and provides no-nonsense strategies for turning close encounters of the worst kind into civil, sane, productive, and profitable exchanges.