Nobody's Watching

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2012

The Tree Fort

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2011

In the Doghouse

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2012

Vamos a Acampar

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2011
CJ se burla de su amigo, Aldo, por tener miedo del oscuro, pero no quiere admitir que él, también, tiene miedo.

While camping in the backyard, CJ makes fun of his friend Aldo for being scared of the dark, but finds it hard to admit that he is scared as well.

Carlos Javier y sus amigos se van a acampar.

Ready, Set, Race!

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2011

The Trouble with Trading

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 August 2011
When D-Dog and Tommy-T trade baseball cards, they learn that sometimes trading doesn't work out well.

Table Wars!

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2012
When the cast of characters decide to have a food fight in the school cafeteria it turns into a real mess. The lunch lady tries to stop them but they pay no attention to her. As the animals get up to leave they notice the sad look on the lunch lady's face and decide to miss recess that day to stay and clean up their mess.

Money Down the Drain

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2012

Fish Stories

by Kyla Steinkraus

Published 1 January 2011