Managing Remote Workers

by Suzy Siddons

Published 9 July 2009
Some of the most common training challenges require quick and adaptable training solutions. This mini Toolkit provides just such a tool.

Managing an effective team can be difficult enough when that team is based in the same office, but when team members are spread across the country, or even based abroad good management becomes a real challenge. Remote working is, however, on the increase and managers need all the help they can get to make it work.

This toolkit will enable you to train your managers to deal with all the challenges remote working brings, from carrying out risk assessment to ensuring that the team feels motivated and integrated, through to troubleshooting and future development. In turn, your organisation will benefit from satisfied and productive staff, lower costs and increased productivity.

Managing Remote Teams is packed with activities, policies, checklists, slides that can be customised to meet your organisations specific needs, as well as guidance on how to use these tools to the greatest effect. Its flexible design means it can be used straight off the shelf to run an effective training course or given directly to managers to work through, taking the time and cost out of delivering training on remote teams.