by Ron Ben Natan

Published 1 October 1995
Written for the software development community at large, this highly accessible guide features a comprehensive description of the architecture for distributed object-oriented environments based upon the Object Management Group's (OMG's) universally accepted specifications. Focusing primarily on a description of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) - the most significant innovation in object technology to date - this important new book not only provides detailed information on architecture and functionality, but also describes three of today's most important commercially available CORBA-compliant products: Hewlett-Packard's Distributes Smalltalk, IBM's SOMObjects, and DEC's ObjectBroker. Also covered in depth are Object Services, the Object Database Management Group (ODMG), and the ODMG-93 object database standard to provide software developers, system architects, system analysts, and MIS managers with a complete picture of the standards and technologies in the distributed object-oriented systems arena.

Web Objects

by Ron Ben Natan

Published 1 March 1997
Object technology has become the technology for developing and delivering applications on the World Wide Web. Here is the hands-on guide that charts the full range of Web-application development, starting with the basics and proceeding through the complexities of distributing objects on the Web. Aimed at systems managers, systems designers, and application developers, Objects on the Web is your complete advisor on all aspects of Web-object technology.