Book 1

Jumping Off the Planet

by David Gerrold

Published 2 March 2000
A trip to the Moon? Sounds like the perfect family vacation. Only for 13-year-old Charles "Chigger" Dingillian his family is anything but perfect. His parents fight so much they put the 'dis' into dysfunctional. So when he and his brothers find themselves halfway to the Moon Chigger hits on a plan: if his parents can't find a way to work things out, why not just divorce them? Sound crazy? Until it works. Charles and his brothers are on their own. But their bid for freedom hits a roadblock when Chigger suspects they are targets of an interstellar manhunt. What do these Big Corporations want? And why? Their only hope is to jump off the planet...

Book 3

Leaping to the Stars

by David Gerrold

Published 1 March 2002
Charles Dingillian learns that the Lunar Authority is threatening to cancel all interstellar launches to the colonies and decides to smuggle himself and his family out on a starship, along with the HARLIE unit that has made him an interstellar fugitive.

NO. 2 OF 3

Bouncing Off the Moon

by David Gerrold

Published 7 April 2001
Having escaped both an Earth on the verge of global collapse and their squabbling parents in a "divorce" at Geosynchronous Station, a newly independent Charles and his two brothers find themselves alone on the Moon with very few prospects. Worse, they are being hunted by ruthless interplanetary corporations who would stop at nothing to come in possession of a memory bar the boys smuggled on board. Can they make it on their own? Who can they trust?
Charles thought the moon would be a new beginning. He will be lucky just to stay alive.