Worshiping God with Our Lives

by Thomas Nelson

Published 16 February 2016

When some people think of "a life of worship," they think of the fifteen minutes or two hours, depending on their denomination, that they spend on their feet on a Sunday morning in church. They may think of the CDs they play in the house as they attack the daily chores. Yet while those certainly represent an act worship, they don't represent a life of worship. In this study readers will discover how Jesus lived every moment of every day with a "yes" in His spirit to His Father. They will see how His declared intent was solely to do the will of His Father, how He worshipped as He healed the blind and the lame, and even how He worshipped in the Garden of Gethsemane as He prayed that the cup of the wrath of God might pass from Him. They will be encouraged to live a similar life of worship to their heavenly Father.

Pursuing Contentment

by Thomas Nelson

Published 8 April 2004

All too often life falls short of our expectations and happiness seems just out of reach. We run face disappointments, disarray, delays, and drawbacks. We want to be the kind of women who exude serene calmness, cheerfulness, and acceptance even in the midst of trials and difficult situations, but that is hard to do!

In Pursuing Contentment, you will explore what the Bible says about truecontentment how it is a skill to be learned. You can break old habits and patterns of thinking and choose to be grateful in all circumstances. You can say, like the apostle Paul, "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content" (Philippians 4:11). You can cultivate contentment in your heart.

The Women of Faith (R) Bible Studies provide intriguing insights into topics that are relevant to women's lives today. Each guide includes twelve weeks of study, down-to-earth illustrations, and reflections to help you move the truth from your head to your heart. A leader's guide for use with small groups is also included.

Encouraging One Another

by Thomas Nelson

Published 6 April 2004

Sometimes we plod through life with our head down. Day in and day out we push along, putting our shoulders into it, and keeping a stiff upper lip. What we really need is a little encouragement to get through the day. We just need some kind words from others to let us know that what we are doing really matters.

In Encouraging One Another, you will explore what Scripture has to say about the value God places on your life and how He notices all that you are doing. You will read passages that will lift your spirit as you hear God speaking His words of encouragement into your life. You will also discover that just as God lifts you up, He wants you to lift up others.

The Women of Faith (R) Bible Studies provide intriguing insights into topics that are relevant to women's lives today. Each guide includes twelve weeks of study, down-to-earth illustrations, and reflections to help you move the truth from your head to your heart. A leader's guide for use with small groups is also included.

We are busy people. We have responsibilities at work. We have responsibilities at home. We have responsibilities at church. We have responsibilities at school. We have responsibilities within our communities. We care for the needs of our parents, our husbands, our children, our siblings, our employers, our closest friends. Most days, it is more than we can handle. Our hearts are overwhelmed. We are stressed out. We are worried. We dread tomorrow. In the midst of all this everyday turmoil, our hearts long for a place of peace. We know God has promised us rest. We know He says we don't have to worry about tomorrow. He promised to calm our fears. Yet we barely have time to whisper a prayer, let alone study our Bibles. In this study readers will explore many of the issues in a woman's life that causes her to worry and be stressful. They will discover practical ways to eliminate the negative of worry and stress, study scriptures that give them strength and courage to face the issues in life, and begin immediately to apply and practice the principles in the probing.

Managing Your Emotions

by Thomas Nelson

Published 8 April 2004

A Life of Worship

by Thomas Nelson

Published 6 April 2004

Adventurous Prayer

by Thomas Nelson

Published 15 April 2003