If Wishes Were Horses

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 January 2010
Everything changes in Annie Boyd's life when her family moves to Ridgeview. She's used to the hustle and bustle of the city, not living on a sheep farm. She doesn't have any friends. She doesn't know anyone. The only good thing about her new life is the riding club. But will she ever feel like she fits in there, especially since she doesn't have a pony?

Balancing Act

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 September 2010
The All-School Equestrian Games are coming up, and Annie Boyd is desperate to ride in them on her horse, Bobby.

Leap of Faith

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 January 2010
Annie Boyd never thought she'd be able to take part in riding events, but her best friend, Reesa, convinces her to sign up. When her father says she can't, Annie's even more determined to go, and prove to her dad that she can do it, even if he doesn't believe in her. But when Annie's friend Darcy seems too scared to participate in the event, how can Annie feel brave enough to try?

Everything changes in Annie Boyd's life when she moves to Ridgeview. Will she ever fit in at the Riding Club?

Everything changes in Annie Boyd's life when she moves to Ridgeview. Will she ever fit in at the Riding Club?

Courage to Ride

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 January 2010
Annie Boyd's dream has come true. She finally has a horse of her own. But she's got a secret, too. She's scared. Scared of riding, scared of failing. She's beginning to make friends at the Ridgeview Riding Club, but one girl has made it very clear that she'll make Annie's life miserable there. It seems like after every step forward, Annie has to take two steps back.

Team Challenge

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 January 2010
Jessica Coulson has worked to make Annie Boyd's life miserable ever since Annie moved to Ridgeview and joined the riding club. Now that the annual Games Day is looming, Jessica is even more determined to make sure Annie knows she doesn't fit in. Annie's desperate to be on the Games Day team, but is it even worth trying when Jessica can be so mean?

Taking a Break

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 September 2010
Annie has been waiting for a chance to show off her riding skills. A trail ride in the mountains is the perfect time. And her friend Jade is coming along. It’ll be just like before Annie moved to Ridgeview and left Jade behind in the city. She can’t wait. But things never work out as planned . . . .

Making Waves

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 September 2010
Her best friend. Spending time at the beach. Horses. It’s Annie’s idea of the perfect vacation. But when Reese and Annie have an argument, things go downhill fast. And things go from bad to worse when some of the horses at Seahorse Stables escape. Is there any hope for this disaster?

Heads or Tails?

by Bernadette Kelly

Published 1 September 2010
A horse-tail thief is on the prowl in Ridgeview. All over town, horse tails are disappearing. No horse is safe. Determined to protect her horse, Bobby, Annie Boyd is on the hunt for the criminal. But when she gets involved in the mystery, is she putting Bobby in danger?