
by Ian Wilson

Published 10 October 2002
Apart from the Bible, Nostradamus' prophecies are the only works that have been continuously in print since the 16th century. With his prediction of Henry II's death, Nostradamus' reputation was made, with many of Europe's royalty and other notables seeking his insights right up to his death in 1566. His reputation has actually grown with every century since his death. Verses written by him during the 1550s, and published at the time, have been credited with predicting a number of historical events. Ian Wilson has picked out 15 prophecies and explained them in detail. These include the death of Henry II, the execution of England's King Charles I, the Great Fire of London, the birth of Napoleon, the French Revolution and Hitler's 1939 invasion of Poland. They are illustrated with 16th and 17th century woodcuts and line engravings. Ian Wilson gives a brief biography of Nostradamus and quotations from him explaining how he made his prophecies, illustrated with woodcuts pertinent to sixteenth century astrological methods.