A Picnic with Mrs. Beeton

by Mrs. Beeton

Published 16 April 1992
This is one of a series of books which give both fascinating snippets of information from Mrs Beeton's original edition of "Cookery and Household Management" as well as practical and up-to-date ideas for cooking and presenting special meals. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert set the trend for outdoor luncheon on their shooting parties at Balmoral, and these became popular with the Victorian landed gentry. This book features a wide variety of ideas and recipes, from soups to tasty pies and sandwiches, as well as recipes for a selection of puddings and drinks. Also included is advice and tips on modern storage and packaging for maximum freshness and taste.

Supper with Mrs. Beeton

by Mrs. Beeton

Published 16 April 1992
This is part of a series of little books, each designed to be a charming gift. The books give both snippets of information from Mrs Beeton's original edition of "Cookery and Household Management" as well as practical ideas for cooking and presenting really special meals. Early in the 19th century, Victorian families often took a late supper before bedtime, having eaten a heavy dinner early in the evening. Later on, Supper Dances, Balls or Receptions became fashionable, and these would consist of an often elaborate cold buffet with a selection of light savouries, pies, cold meats and puddings. Here we have a variety of quick and tasty recipes designed for light refreshment after a visit to the theatre or as an informal evening meal, with many of the traditional recipes, along with ideas on presentation and Mrs Beeton's advice on preparation, cooking methods and short-cuts to make an extra special supper.

Sunday Lunch with Mrs. Beeton

by Mrs. Beeton

Published 6 September 1990
This book features a selection of ideas and menus for a Sunday lunch, together with recipes for starters, main courses - including how to cook a perfect roast - accompanying vegetables and sauces and puddings. Suggestions are also provided for suitable wines and drinks to serve. This series of "Mrs Beeton books" contains both fragments from Mrs Beeton's original edition of "Cookery and Household Management" and more modern ideas for cooking and presenting meals.

Breakfast with Mrs. Beeton

by Mrs. Beeton

Published 6 September 1990
This book features a selection of ideas and menus for country house breakfasts and brunches. The book includes recipes for traditional dishes such as devilled kidneys, kedgeree, kippers, Mrs Beeton's special porridge and bacon-and-eggs, as well as lighter meals. Suggestions on decorating the breakfast table, buffet and tray are also provided. This series of "Mrs Beeton books" contains both fragments from Mrs Beeton's original edition of "Cookery and Household Management" and more modern ideas for cooking and presenting meals.

Tea with Mrs. Beeton

by Mrs. Beeton

Published 6 September 1990
This book features a selection of teatime ideas, such as Mrs Beeton's special cream tea, high tea for hungry travellers, warming winter teas and picnic teas. The book includes advice on how to make a good cup of tea, recipes for cakes, biscuits, scones and sandwiches as well as suggestions on decorating the tea table. This series of "Mrs Beeton books" contains both fragments from Mrs Beeton's original edition of "Cookery and Household Management" and more modern ideas for cooking and presenting meals.