Earth's Place in Space

by Roy A. Gallant

Published 30 January 2000

The Ever-Changing Atom

by Roy A. Gallant

Published 30 January 2000
Introduces atoms, the tiny particles which make up everything in the world, discussing their different parts, how they were discovered, and how they can be used as a source of energy.

Early Humans

by Roy A. Gallant

Published 30 January 2000

Dance of the Continents

by Roy A. Gallant

Published 30 January 2000
Describes the development of geological theory from the ancient Greek philosophers to the discovery of plate tectonics, which explains the forming of geological structures.

The Origins of Life

by Roy A. Gallant

Published 30 January 2002

The Life Stories of Stars

by Roy A. Gallant

Published 30 January 2002
Describes what was believed in the past about stars, including the sun, and what we know today.