How to Say No

by Corinne Sweet

Published 5 December 2002
Do you find it hard to say "no"? Do you fear being disliked or abandoned if you refuse to do something. If so, you might be a "serial pleaser", trapped by other people's demands and needs. This book is all about teaching you to learn to live your life and do what you want to do. It covers recognizing the symptoms, how you became a pleaser, how it affects you in love, at work and at home, and how to overcome the need to please.

Stop Fighting About Money

by Corinne Sweet

Published 7 September 2000
Money may make the world go round but it can also make or break relationships. It has been cited as the number one argument trigger. Yet it is also the last big taboo, more difficult to talk about openly than sex, death or religion. Corinne Sweet examines the emotional meaning of money and how it can become a battleground for couples. She shows how couples, with understanding and insight, can create their own money culture which works for them, takes account of their financial and emotional needs and makes money management positive rather than stressful.