Compose Photos

by Publications Eaglemoss

Published 1 January 1987
COMPOSITION IS THE KEY to a good picture.

This book helps you learn to compose in the camera viewfinder. It shows how results dfffer with various camera angles, different lighting, and using vertical, horizontal or square formats.

Techniques include: Subject and horizonplacement, proper use of foreground andbackground, the intersection of thirds and other rules to help balance the elements in your photos. Learn how and when to break the rules. How to control every part of the image area.

You'll become aware of line and shape, pattern and texture, tone and contrast. See how scale and depth can be emphasized, altered or exploited when you control perspective.

This easy-to-understand book will improve your photographic compositions.

Slr System

by Publications Eaglemoss

Published 1 January 1987

Use Light

by Publications Eaglemoss

Published 1 January 1987

Photo People

by Publications Eaglemoss

Published 1 January 1987