Book 1

Embrace the Fire

by Spring Stevens

Published 20 May 2013
Varick Ta Farg, a half-breed vampire reborn as a Destroyer, is entering the Mating Rite, an innate call from his soul to mate. Drawn to sassy Angelica Dark, he loses the control he covets and is thrown head first into a godly battle for power in the Heavens. As he tries to convince Angelica to be his mate, the other gods are tampering with his fate, each with their own agenda. Can he cope with the Mating Rite and protect the female he is falling in love with as the gods play havoc with his past, present, and future?

Angelica Dark is instantly attracted to Varick, a white-haired, drop-dead gorgeous playboy. As much as she tries to resist the temptations he offers, her body demands his touch. Trapped and alone with him, she wants to believe he is a lunatic, but the events happening around her mean she cannot deny what and who he is. The gods and goddesses, ever meddling in the affairs on earth, force her into leaving his side to protect him.

Unable to save Angelica from the demons with powers greater than his own, Varick is hurled into a fight between the powers that be and the powers that want to be. With so much more than his own future at stake, he must enter into a pact with a god he knows nothing about and step into an uncertain future to protect them both.

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Book 2

Embrace the Desire

by Spring Stevens

Published 1 January 2014
Payne, a Destroyer with a tormented past, has a vendetta against his father, Damon, Lord of the Underworld. Forced to put his revenge aside, he is ordered to take Chanta Timbers through her transition from human to half-goddess. She’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen or touched, and his desire for her threatens to burn him alive. With the odds stacking against him, he must relive his past, conquer his inner demons, and see past the pain that has controlled his every action in life.

As a member of the One Race, Chanta must allow Payne to take her through the transformation or die. Even though she refuses to acknowledge the desire she is feeling, she is powerless against her body’s reaction to his. No stranger to the terror of the supernatural world around her, she is scared of the beast that lurks under his skin and of the darkness that peers out of his shadowy eyes. But with each passing hour, her hunger refuses to be denied and threatens to devour them both.

The gods, meddling and always interfering with destinies, stand between Payne and Chanta, each one with their own agenda. Payne must defy the gods, endure torments and pains, and see past the revenge and bitterness that has dwelled in his heart. Chanta must see past the beast, accept him as he is, and open her future to a life with the devil’s son. With so much against them, including an impending war in the Heavens and the Underworld, can they defy the odds and accept the love and desire that is screaming both their names?

Sensuality Level: Sensual