Herbaceous Perennials

by Graham Rice

Published 17 September 1992
Herbaceous perennials are those plants which die back to the ground every year. They include such plants as acanthus, achillea, aquilegia, iris, lupins and many more. This contains a plant list accompanied by chapters on planting, cultivation, propagation, the control of pests and diseases and notes on the basics of planning beds and borders. The book shows how to plan and plant herbaceous perennials to the best effect.

Bedding Plants

by Graham Rice

Published 30 September 1993
Bedding plants are essentially those raised and grown in one place and then planted out in an other - the flower bed - for a single season display. After flowering they are discarded and replaced by something else. This book describes all the popular bedding plants in detail and shows how to raise, propagate and plant them. It includes a plant list which gives size, colour, habit, sowing and growing requirements of a range of spring and summer flowering annuals and half-hardy annuals. Cultivars are recommended for colour, size and foliage.