An ambitious Conservative Junior Minister, Edward Dunsford, seems to be doing all the right things in his bid to become Foreign Secretary. Until, that is, a moment's sentimental weakness precipitates his career into chaos, his party into crisis and his own marriage onto the rocks. 'So skilfully do Hurd and Lamport expose Whitehall's nerve-ends that their dissection reveals more of the system's internal workings than all the outpourings of the political researchers thick on the Westminster beat' - Sunday Times

From the blackened, crumbling tenements of Glasgow come ugly rumours...An army of separatist fanatics, recruited from the razor gangs of Europe's most violent city and funded and armed by an unknown power, are standing ready - waiting for the moment to strike.Is the Nationalist tide about to turn Will Prime Minister Harvey avert catastrophe... The possibilities of a civil war in Britain have never been so graphically portrayed.