Britain 1900-51

by Richard Radway

Published 1 September 1997
This study charts the development of Britain in the first half of the 20th century, from a nation which was a world power dominated by the ruling classes, to the country in the 1950s which had a Labour government and fledgling public services. It also follows the political and social changes that occurred during this period, including the beginnings of the Welfare State, the emergence of the Labour Party, the impact of World War I, the General Strike and the Depression. The narrative also includes an in-depth look at the changing role of women - their struggle to gain the vote, the position they held in society during the 1920s and 1930s, and their work in two world wars. The author assesses the Welfare State which emerged after the war, asking whether it really did represent a new Jerusalem. This text is geared to the requirements of GCSE syllabuses, and features research and examinations of different historical interpretations.

Germany, 1918-45

by Richard Radway

Published 2 March 1998
The first half of the 20th century saw Germany invoved in two world wars. The impact of World War I transformed Germany into a democratic country and then into a totalitarian state. This text addresses the major questions surrounding these changes. Why was it that democracy failed to survive in Germany? Why and how did Hitler and the Nazis come to power? What was it like to live in Germany during the Nazi era? As well as providing a range of written and pictorial source material this title includes a blend of extended writing activities and structured exercises which encourage the examination of different historical interpretations. It is specifically geared to the requirements of GCSE syllabuses.