v. 2

Medieval Times

by Steve Buxton

Published 4 July 1991

v. 1

The Invaders

by Steve Buxton

Published 20 June 1991

Worlds Apart

by Steve Buxton

Published 1 September 1997
Designed for lower attaining KS3 pupils, this title examines the major events of the 20th century. It covers international relations, the effects of the two world wars, industry and economic depression. The author also considers whether the world was a better place in the 1950s, and looks to the nuclear age and possible threats of future wars. The material is intended to be accessible and stimulating, using illustrations and simple class projects to motivate each pupil and enliven the exploration of history.

Industry, Expansion and Empire

by Steve Buxton

Published 19 October 1995
This title forms part of the history series which has been checked and revised by a remedial specialist to meet the needs of less able pupils. Presentation, language and activities have all been structured both to satisfy National Curriculum requirements, and to be accessible to those students for whom the majority of NC materials are dense and intimidating. Steve Buxton is also the author of "The Invaders" and "Medieval Times", both part of the "Action History" series, and co-author of "Castles and Cathedrals".

v. 3

Unity and Conflict

by Steve Buxton

Published 15 July 1993
This volume provides coverage of the National Curriculum history, Key Stage 3, core unit - "The Making of the United Kingdom 1500-1750", checked and revised by a remedial specialist to meet the needs of less able pupils. Presentation, language and activities have all been structured both to satisfy National Curriculum requirements, and to be accessible to those students for whom the majority of NC materials are dense and intimidating. Steve Buxton is also the author of "The Invaders" and "Medieval Times", both part of the "Action History" series, and co-author of "Castles and Cathedrals".