Nail, a Stick and a Lid

by Geraldine Kaye

Published 1 April 1975
A little boy rescues his mother's cast-off shopping bag and collects many useful things.

Where is Fred?

by Geraldine Kaye

Published 1 November 1976

The Rotten Old Car

by Geraldine Kaye

Published 1 October 1973
Bill finds being given a rotten old car isn't as great as he thought it would be.

To please his little sister, Tim makes her an Indian headdress like his own.

The Yellow POM-POM Hat

by Geraldine Kaye

Published 1 August 1974
Jane dislikes the hat Grandmother knits for her and tries several ways to get out of wearing it without hurting Grandmother's feelings.

Goodbye Ruby Red

by Geraldine Kaye

Published 1 August 1974