4 total works
Contains indispensable hints, strategies and macros which will enable readers to use WordPerfect 6 to its full potential. Features invaluable advice on alternative techniques to accomplish tasks more efficiently, customize the program and automate frequently performed tasks.
WordPerfect is an industry leader in the DOS word processing market. This is an intermediate user's guide to the package WordPerfect 6 for Windows. Particular attention is paid to the steps needed to incorporate WordPerfect for DOS features and procedures into this package. Following the "INSIDER Guide" format, examples used throughout the text illustrate how to solve problems and how to use poorly documented features to create innovative shortcuts.
Visual Basic is a programming language based on the principle that programs are easier to build from pre-existing modules than from line after line of obscure code. Focusing on the new features of Visual Basic, this guide enables programmers to establish links between existing applications and Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. Other features of the text include the creation of graphical front ends for programs, including the on-screen menus, buttons and controls that are presented to the user. This allows programmers to build front ends not only for programs written in Visual Basic, but also in other languages, especially C++.
Offers a collection of tips, tricks and techniques that help programmers make the most of Visual Basic 2.0. Beginning with a detailed description of the Windows API (Application Program Interface), it goes on to examine how Visual Basic uses the functions in the API to run Windows. A full chapter devoted to graphics techniques shows programmers how to enhance the appearance and functionality of Visual Basic programs. Also provides information on creating applications that take advantage of Windows' DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) and OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) so that different applications are able to share data and update it automatically. Includes a detailed introduction to Microsoft's Professional Development Kit and a disk with professional-level, fully usable code.