The Student Study Guide is an important and unique component that is available for each of the eight books in The World in Ancient Times series. Each of the Student Study Guides is designed to be used with the student book at school or sent home for homework assignments. The activities in the Student Study Guide will help students get the most out of their history books. Each Student Study Guide includes chapter-by-chapter two-page lessons that use a variety of interesting activities to help a student master history and develop important reading and study skills.

What do the wheel, the law, and belief in a single god have in common? All of these ideas first came to people who lived in the ancient Near East. As if these revolutionary developments weren't enough to make a mark on world history, these ancient innovators also came up with the most fantastic invention of all-writing. The Ancient Near Eastern World is filled with the scribes, potters, sculptors, architects, school children, lawmakers, kings, queens, farmers, and priests who designed and created that world.