Are you looking for the perfect tool to guide you in today's fast paced business world? In STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALIZATION you will discover a unique model that blends both new and old ideas resulting in a cutting edge, accurate and relevant text. Specific examples, models, and figures emphasize important points and make the text easy to understand.

The overall approach of "Understanding Business Strategy" is process-oriented and applied. The authors of this text are known for their attention to detail and the currency of their research. Although the text maintains the same level of academic reliability as the authors other texts, the subject of strategic management will be studied at a more basic, fundamental level and with a greater effort to help students integrate and synthesize knowledge from prior business courses. This fundamental text overtly supports students' efforts to master strategy, and features will be built in to create a tone that is tutorial, student- friendly and with a vision of the student as a future business practitioner. This text relies heavily on a model that will illustrate process, and that model is reiterated graphically across chapters, as well as providing an overarching framework, simply including "Vision, Strategy and Implementation."