The Girl With Brains in her Feet follows the progress of Jack, a mixed-race 13 year old girl growing up in the seventies in the home of Melton Mowbray Pork Pies. Under pressure from every side - periods, boys, losing her virginity before being left behind by her mates, casual racial abuse and a PE teacher who thinks she's going to be the next Mary Decker, Jack's only real motivation is her overwhelming lust for life ...The story is about a bottleneck. Jack just doesn't prioritise and everything collides. In the end, each person lets her down in their own way, and the only person who is there for her is her mother. Endearing, amusing, astonishingly accurate about teenage life, THE GIRL WITH BRAINS IN HER FEET is an uplifting story about one young girl on the fast track to womanhood.