Book 7

Tiny Goat in Trouble

by Mary Kelly

Published 5 June 2014
Harry is enjoying a seaside walk with his aunt, when he spots a tiny
goat on a cliff ledge. It has been separated from its mother,
and the baby goat is stranded, unable to make it back up to the
top. Harry and his aunt call the RSPCA and an exciting rescue ensues,
with two inspectors abseiling down the cliff to retrieve the
frightened youngster.

Luckily, thanks to the RSPCA's team work and Harry's eagle eye, the
baby goat is safely reunited with its mother.

An exciting, inspiring story based on a real-life animal rescue.
With illustrations throughout and lots of facts about goats and the

Book 10

A Snowy Robin Rescue

by Mary Kelly

Published 2 October 2014
Evan and Hannah have found a robin in the snow.

It's not moving, and they soon realize that the tiny robin is stuck!
They call the RSPCA and an inspector arrives to help. It's snowing
heavily and they need to act fast.

Can the RSPCA perform a snowy robin rescue?

An exciting, inspiring story based on a real-life animal rescue.
With illustrations throughout and lots of facts about robins and
the RSPCA.