Discusses the Roman Empire's rise to greatness as well as its eventual decline and fall brought about by increasingly dramatic military, economic, and social changes.

Greek and Roman Science

by Don Nardo

Published 1 January 1997
Examines the efforts of Greeks and Romans to study and understand the underlying principles of nature and discusses their development of a more systematic approach to science.

Greek and Roman Sport

by Don Nardo

Published 1 September 1998
Discusses the role of sports in the ancient Greek and Roman world, covering the Olympics, the glories of physical achievement, spectacle sports, horse and chariot racing, and leisure sports.

World History Series

by Don Nardo

Published 1 January 2004

The Rise of Christianity

by Don Nardo

Published 1 September 1998

The Assyrian Empire

by Don Nardo

Published 1 January 1998
Discusses the history of the Assyrian Empire, including its early people, the rise of the Assyrian nation, its rebirth, the empire at its height, and the nation's collapse.

Focuses on the often chaotic events and larger-than-life personalities of the fateful last republican century and discusses the power struggles which gave way to a dictatorship.

Caesar's Conquest of Gaul

by Don Nardo

Published 1 July 2002

World War II in the Pacific

by Don Nardo

Published 1 April 2002
Discusses Japan's participation in World War II, including militaristic advances and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, its alliances, the use of the atomic bomb against it, and its defeat and surrender.

Early River Civilizations

by Don Nardo

Published 31 July 2010

The Age of Augustus

by Don Nardo

Published 1 January 1997
Describes the politics, culture, religion, and society of Rome during the reign of the Emperor Augustus.

Mexican-American War

by Don Nardo

Published 1 July 2002
Examines the Mexican-American War, discussing American expansion, the fall of Mexico City, the conclusion of the war, the peace treaty, and the legacy of a "dirty" war.

Roman Empire

by Don Nardo

Published 31 December 1994
Traces the history of the Roman Empire from the days of the Republic through the reign of the Caesars and the influence of Christianity to the fall of Rome.

Traditional Japan

by Don Nardo

Published 31 December 1995

Greek and Roman Mythology

by Don Nardo

Published 1 July 2002
Examines the historical development of Greco-Roman mythology, its heroes, and its influence on the history of Western civilization.

The Punic Wars

by Don Nardo

Published 31 December 1997

The War of 1812

by Don Nardo

Published 21 May 2002

The Persian Empire

by Don Nardo

Published 1 January 1997
An account of the rise and fall of the Persian Empire, based in part on archaeological findings of the twentieth century.

Women of Ancient Greece

by Don Nardo

Published 1 March 2000