Girl in a Vintage Dress

by Nicola Marsh

Published 1 January 2011
Retro-a-gogo! To outsiders it might seem that Lola Lombard, queen of all things vintage, would be over the moon at having to organise a retro-themed hen-do. In reality she's shaking in her seamed stockings, for the terrifyingly glamorous gaggle of hens brings back all the insecurities she's been hiding behind her bright red lipstick! Worse still, with the hens comes the bride's gorgeous blue-eyed brother. A too-cool-for-school entrepreneur, Chase has no patience for Lola's 'retro' (read: old-fashioned) ideals... Sparks fly as modern man meets 1950s siren, but Chase grows increasingly fascinated - who is the shy woman behind the elaborate vintage mask...?

Deserted Island, Dreamy Ex!

by Nicola Marsh

Published 1 January 2010
Being shipwrecked on an idyllic deserted island for reality TV show Stranded sounded blissful. Until I discovered my Man Friday for the week was Jared Malone (aka he-who-broke-my-heart!). I mean, of course I'll be fine. I don't feel anything for him anymore. Female viewers might swoon over Jared's tanned gorgeousness, but I know he's just an arrogant, overmuscled heartbreaker! The cameras are rolling, so I'm off to the beach to face Jared. I just hope I look okay in this bikini!