Book 1


by Leo Tolstoy

Published 1 July 1984

Childhood (Detstvo) appeared in 1852 and was Lev Tolstoy's first published work. Together with Boyhood (Otrochestvo) and Youth (Iunost') it forms a trilogy which, though fictional, is deeply rooted in Tolstoy's autobiography. As the first-person narrator grows out of childish innocence, he develops a growing awareness of the degree of deception inherent in adult behaviour and the extent to which he himself is increasingly capable of deception. Remarkable in its own right for its clear-sighted portrayal of the child's world, the work also contains in embryo themes which dominate Tolstoy's nature work. These are detailed in the introduction to this edition, which also contains full notes and a vocabulary.

Book 2


by Leo Tolstoy

Published 1 January 2004
Youth (1856) is the third novel in Leo Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy, following Childhood and Boyhood. It was first published in the popular Russian literary magazine Sovremennik.

Book 3


by Leo Tolstoy

Published 1 January 2004
Boyhood is the second in Tolstoy's trilogy of three autobiographical novels, including Childhood and Youth, published in a literary journal during the 1850s. (Introduction by Bill Boerst)

Autobiographical Trilogy

by Leo Tolstoy

Published 19 September 2014