The ActiveBooks are online versions of our Student Books.

Supporting success at every level This Student Book follows a specifically designed route through the qualification to help you focus on the key concepts of the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science qualification. It also supports the Entry Learning Certificate course.

The questions and explanations are designed to be simple and easy to read. The examples included should be familiar to you from your everyday life and easy to understand. The structure of the course allows for repetition to help you to memorise key concepts and words.

Other features of the Student Book include:

Checkpoint learning approach helps to make sure that you understand the key concepts and have corrected any misunderstandings.
Preparing for your exam sections, makes sure that you understand how exam questions will be assessed.
Core Practical pages, give you practice answering practical-based exam questions.

Our ActiveLearn Digital Service combines front-of-class teaching resources with online homework and practice, as well as planning and assessment materials. The service has been developed alongside our Student Books to give one coherent approach. It also comes with full customer support throughout the subscription to ensure you and your students get the most out of the course.

"ActiveLearn Digital Service is an incredibly well thought out online innovation that is rich in content, support and learning."

John Dabel, Reviewer, Teach Secondary

The subscription includes:

access for all students in your school
all content for Combined and Single sciences
full support, including FREE initial training