Book 21

That Boston Man

by Janet Dailey

Published 13 July 1979
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Massachusetts.

Rome was not man enough for one woman. Newspaper reporter, Lexie Templeton, didn't need to meet Rome Lockwood to know his type--a male chauvinist playboy with a different girl on his arm every night! Lexie's caustic comments to Shari Sullivan, the gossip columnist, hit the headlines, and Rome Lockwood came storming into the office looking for Lexie and revenge. With fire in his eyes, Rome challenged her to stand by her feminist views. And Lexie accepted the challenge, never dreaming that the sparkes had only begun to fly...

Book 22

Enemy in Camp

by Janet Dailey

Published 11 July 1980
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Michigan.

Victoria Beaumont is looking forward to relaxing on Mackinac Island, Michigan, at the family's summer home. All thoughts of relaxing soon flee when she realizes that her father, Charles, has invited Dirk Ramsey to the island. Dirk's ruthless newspaper articles threaten to damage Charles's political career. Perhaps if Dirk gets to know the Beaumont's better he will change his views. Victoria doesn't want to know him better. True, Dirk Ramsey is the most attractive man she's ever met - but any interest he shows her is purely for the sake of journalism. At least she thinks it is . . .

Book 23

Giant of Mesabi

by Janet Dailey

Published 10 March 1978
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Minnesota.

Tension grew between them, angering Alanna. "Hate me if you want/" The grooves near Rolt's mouth deepened sardonically. "But you will be mine- in every way!" Alanna gasped with surprise. Rolt's boldness was unbelievable. He knew that she was in love with Kurt. How could he have the audacity to claim his brother's girl? Well, this was one time the arrogant, egotistical Rolt Matthews wouldn't get what he wanted, Alanna thought defiantly. She just wouldn't cooperate. No matter what he said, Rolt couldn't make her marry him against her will . . .

Book 24

A Tradition of Pride

by Janet Dailey

Published 10 September 1982
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Mississippi.

Lara Cochran was happy before Trevor, her charming husband, had turned to other women. But, because divorce is unheard-of in Lara's Mississippi family, she doesn't want one. She doesn't want to open her heart to anyone ever again. One disastrous marriage is enough; she is now safely immune from all men. Or so she thinks. Once she meets Rans MacQuade, the rugged and virile manager of her father's Mississippi plantation, she fears she may not be as immune as she had hoped . . .

Book 25

Show ME

by Janet Dailey

Published May 1976
She could ignore the situation no longer. "I don't blame you for hating me at first," Jake said. "After all, I forced you to marry me. But you do see why I had to tell you all this, don't you? You've been so honest with me that I had to be the same with you." Tanya's heart sank. Honest! Honest! The word kept haunting her. Her supposed honesty was the one thing he admired about her. She could not possibly tell him the truth now. If she did, his love for her would be shattered forever!

Book 26

Big Sky Country

by Janet Dailey

Published 12 August 1977
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Montana.

"Don't be a fool and marry her!" That had been Riordan's advice. He had made his disapproval of Kerry, his brother's fiance, quite obvious. Jill, Kerry's roommate, was determined to do anything she could to help her friend to happiness- and it would giver her added pleasure to thwart Riordan. She'd even go so far as setting a trap for him! Jill was beautiful; she could have any man she wante. But when she challenged Riordan, he completely turned the tables on her!

Book 27

Boss Man from Ogallala

by Janet Dailey

Published 9 May 1975
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Nebraska.

Does heartbreak last forever? Casey could only hope that time would ease the pain. Falling in love with Flint McCallister had been a cruel twist of fate. It was ironic, actually, because Casey initially hadn't wanted Flint to manage the ranch. Her hostility had been obvious. Now, here she was contemplating life without Flint as though it were the end of the world. For Flint had made his feelings perfectly clear when he said "Casey, can you get it through your head that I don't want you here!"

Book 28

Reilly's Woman

by Janet Dailey

Published 9 September 1977
Could a sudden love just as suddenly die? Leah was reluctant to leave the mountain site where their plane had crashed. The hostile desert was not encouraging. "We could die out here," she argued.

But Reilly was part Indian. Strong and resourceful, he was confident they could survive the primitive conditions with relatively little hardship. Was this his attraction? His confidence and capability, coupled with the intimacy of their situation? Would their eventual return to civilization, as he predicted, sever the special bond between them?

Book 29

Heart of Stone

by Janet Dailey

Published 8 August 1980
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in New Hampshire.

"We don't mix- we're like oil and water." Brock was adamant that his life-style and Stephanie's would never allow a relationship to grow. He was constantly traveling and led a sophisticated, jet-set existence. Stephanie was happy in her work at the quiet New Hampshire inn. Stephanie had heard about Brock Canfield long before she met him. Her brother had warned her that Brock would break her heart. But in spite of Brock's stand and the fact that her brother's warning seemed to be coming true, Stephanie loved Brock. And she knew she was powerless to change that.

Book 30

One of the Boys

by Janet Dailey

Published 8 May 1981
Petra, one of the few females on the show's crew, works hard to be treated equally to the male cameramen. Dane is the show's producer, but he has no right to destroy her relationship with everyone else at work, something he sometimes does. Even though he might cause trouble, Petra cannot ignore Dane's rugged attractiveness, his magnetic presence, or his well-publicized affair with the show's star, Ruby Gale-an affair that fills her with jealousy and makes her want Dane more and more.

Book 31

Land of Enchantment

by Janet Dailey

Published December 1975
Nothing seemed to be turning out right. "Stop trying to kid yourself-and me," Lije snapped. "You're homesick for city life. But I told you before we were married how much this ranch meant to me. I'm not going to give it up, even for you."

Diana was hurt. She had loved Lije enough to give up her career; she had really tried hard to adapt to the ranch. And yet that apparently was not enough. Because Lije was not prepared to compromise, there were limits to his love.

Book 32

Beware of the Stranger

by Janet Dailey

Published 1 January 1985
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in New York.

As the daughter of the tycoon Reuben Gentry, Samantha's experience with men has been disillusioning. But she goes willingly to Chris Andrews's home on an island on the St. Lawrence River, expecting her father to join her there. Suddenly, she realizes she is subtly, but surely, being held prisoner. Are Chris's calls to her father about ransom? Is he really Chris Andrews? Samantha knows she has to escape. But the thought of never seeing Chris - or whoever he was - again, fills her with desolation...

Book 33

That Carolina Summer

by Janet Dailey

Published 13 November 1981
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in North Carolina.

A strange compulsion seemed to grip her...Annette couldn't resist introducing herself to Josh Lord, the strikingly attractive owner of the resort where she was vacationing. In her utterly confident manner, she assumed he'd be more than please to know her. His cool amusement came as a surprise to her-and a decided challenge. Obviously he was used to having women seek him out. Well, so much the better! A holiday flirtation as all Annette intended. But she soon discovered she'd taken on far more than she could handle.

Book 34

"Why doesn't he leave us alone?"

Kit and her grandfather managed the Flying Eagle Ranch. For years they'd been doing it without interference from its long line of mostly absentee owners. Now the newest heir, Baron Reese Talbot, had come to look over his inheritance. He had some different ideas-and they went beyond the running of the ranch! He wanted to teach Kit how to be a woman. But she wouldn't let him ruin her the way the old baron had ruined her mother. Kit was ready to fight.

Book 35

The Widow and the Wastrel

by Janet Dailey

Published 14 May 1977
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Ohio.

He both attracted and intimidated her. At their first meeting Elizabeth had thought Jed Carrel insulting and arrogant, though she couldn't ignore the turbulent emotions his kiss had aroused. But she had been only seventeen then and about to marry his brother, Jeremy. Then Jed set off to live his own life abroad. Elizabeth was a mature woman now-and a widow. Jed had unexpectedly returned. Why? "As a woman-" Jed's voice was caressing-you're even more desirable than you were as a girl."

Book 36

Six White Horses

by Janet Dailey

Published 11 March 1977
Pride had blinded her to the truth! Patty King knew it was foolish to cherish any feelings she had had for Lije Masters-now married to someone else. She did not need the arrogant Morgan Kincaid to tell her. It was none of his business anyway. She resented Morgan but could not ignore him. He seemed to have appointed himself her personal counselor, watchdog, and conscience. Sparks flew every time they met. It was a long time before she learned that Morgan's concern was based on love. And by then, Patty was able to give a much more appreciative response!

Book 37

To Tell the Truth

by Janet Dailey

Published 14 October 1977
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Oregon.

"Lucky at cards, unlucky in love." Tell's words as they left the casino brought the haunted look back into Andrea's eyes. The skiing holiday in Squaw Valley was all she'd hoped for. And she had totally ignored the warning voices that cautioned her to stay away from Tell Stafford. A lot of girls indulged in harmless flirtations. Why shouldn't she? But Andrea and Tell had fallen deeply in love, and now it was too late. Andra knew that if she revealed her terrible secret, everything would change....

Book 38

Thawing of Mara

by Janet Dailey

Published 11 January 1980
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Pennsylvania.

Mara had locked her feelings away. Aloof, cold as ice- that was Mara Prentiss. And she felt she had every reason to be that way. Her father's infidelity had killed her mother. That's what love leads to Mara thought. Mara hated her father, Adam, but she looked after him out of duty. When he became friends with the striking, persuasive Sinclair Buchanan, a tenant on Mara's land, she was incensed. When Sinclair began his campaign to unfreeze Mara's bitter heart, she was tempted. But she had no intention of falling in love. Surely she was above stooping to that!

Book 39

Strange Bedfellow

by Janet Dailey

Published 12 January 1979
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Rhode Island.

"I went through hell to return to you!" Dina was overcome by guilt when she heard her husband's words. But she couldn't welcome him back with open arms. Blake had been missing in the South American jungle for two years; she had believed he was dead. When he made his dramatic reappearance, she had just become engaged to his best friend. The years had changed her. Blake's savage fight for survival had turned him into a primitive stranger. How could they make their marriage work again?

Book 40

Low Country Liar

by Janet Dailey

Published 9 March 1979

A woman gets caught up in a game of deception with a smooth South Carolina lawyer in this classic romance from a New York Times-bestselling author.

Lisa Talmadge is positive her Aunt Mitzi's lawyer is taking advantage of her trusting nature-and her money. Not about to let Mitzi get manhandled by a crook, Lisa confronts Slade Blackwell at his practice in Charleston. But when he mistakes her for his temporary secretary, Lisa suddenly finds herself turning a case of mistaken identity into a full-fledged undercover operation-complete with a wig and alter ego.

Searching for evidence of Slade's dirty dealings while posing as a married redhead named Ann Eldridge puts Lisa in a dangerous position: While she's pretty sure Slade is up to no good, his charm and sexy strength are getting her all hot and bothered. It's only a matter of time before her web of lies comes crashing down, and as Lisa starts to fall for Slade, she worries her heart will get broken in the process.
Set in steamy South Carolina, this is a deliciously suspenseful romance by a beloved icon of the genre who has sold over 300 million copies.