Book 1

Crusade's End

by Graham McNeill, Dan Abnett, and Ben Counter

Published 11 February 2016
It was to be the dawn of a glorious new age. Following countless millennia of darkness and strife, the armies of the Emperor of Mankind had reconquered world after world in a Great Crusade, the like of which the galaxy had never seen. Having established themselves as the most powerful military force ever to march under a single banner, the Space Marine Legions were each led by a god-like primarch - those apparently immortal sons of the Emperor himself. Humanity seemed set to rule the stars once more. And then came Horus. The noble Warmaster, and reviled arch-traitor. For the first time in the New York Times bestselling series, this omnibus returns to the beginning of The Horus Heresy and shines new light on the events that preceded it. The novels Horus Rising,False Gods and Galaxy in Flames are presented alongside additional stories that set the stage for the unimaginable conflict still to come...

Book 2

The Last Phoenix

by Graham McNeill

Published 7 April 2016
With the Space Marine Legions falling upon one another in open battle, the most flawed of the mighty primarchs began to pursue their own agendas, seeking out whatever destinies they imagined for themselves under Horus's new order. Fulgrim, the Phoenician lord of the Emperor's Children, had always striven to outshine his brothers - but even he could never have guessed the depths of betrayal to which he would eventually sink in pursuit of greater power...

The Horus Heresy continues in this omnibus, with the fall of the III Legion to Chaos. The novels Fulgrim and Angel Exterminatus serve as a chronicle of Fulgrim's corruption, while The Crimson Fist, The Reflection Crack'd and many other tales from the New York Times bestselling series reveal the true extent of his damnation.