
by Judith Hodge

Published 1 June 1999


by Judith Hodge

Published 1 August 1997
This volume shows and describes various dolphin species, including bottle-nosed dolphins, porpoises, killer whales, river dolphins, and others. There is also descriptive information on the dolphin's body structure, ways of breathing and moving, intelligence, life cycle, and interaction with people.


by Judith Hodge

Published 1 August 1997
These legendary creatures include the largest of all the earth's living animals. Baleen whales, humpbacks, right whales, sperm whales, narwhals, belugas, and others are vividly described. The whale's body features and whale "talk" are explained. Also featured is a brief history of whaling, and a short essay on the future for whales.


by Judith Hodge and Susan Brocker

Published 1 August 1997
Fascinating descriptive text accompanies vivid full-page, full-color photos on every page of these handsome books. Children get action profiles of the earth's greatest ocean creatures. These fact-filled volumes are fine introductions to nature studies, and their wealth of dramatic photos brilliantly evoke our planet's oceans and the fascinating creatures that live in the sea.

Both harmless and dangerous sharks are described here, including whale sharks, hammerheads, great whites, and others. The book also gives detailed descriptions of a typical shark's body, senses, feeding patterns, and life cycle. The many commonly held myths about sharks are also explored.

Sea Turtles

by Judith Hodge and Susan Brocker

Published 12 January 2000