Bursting with pirates, ships and monsters to colour in, plus over 40 stickers and some special scenes - either add stickers to recreate a favourite scene from the books or make up something wacky and new! Features characters from Jonny Duddle's massively popular pirate picture books, The Pirate-Cruncher and...Read more

The Pirates of Scurvy Sands

by Jonny Duddle

Published 8 February 2018

A scurvy sequel to the bestselling The Pirates Next Door - winner of the Waterstones Prize 2012!

This summer, Matilda is going on holiday with her friends, the Jolley-Rogers. Their destination is the island of Scurvy Sands - a favourite holiday destination for pirates.

When Matilda arrives, the swashbuckling...

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Packed full of pirate activities and colouring in, ranging from spot the difference to crosswords, with everyone's favourite characters including Captain Purplebeard, Jack, Mathilda and many more.

Over 300 stickers to be used in the book, on your lunchbox, wherever you like.

Cover flaps have Jonny Duddle's pirate characters that...

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by Jonny Duddle

Published 1 February 2014
His feet go STOMP! His jaws go CRUNCH! In the blink of an eye you’ll be his LUNCH!

Four young dinosaurs are warned about the scary Gigantosaurus, so one of them volunteers to keep watch for the others while they play. But Bonehead, the lookout, quickly gets bored,...Read more

The Pirate Cruncher

by Jonny Duddle

Published 13 April 2010
An old pirate tells a tavern full of salty sea dogs about an island bursting with hidden treasure. Once they've set sail for the mysterious island, he tells them it is guarded by the terrible Pirate-Cruncher. Eventually their greed overcomes their fear and, when they arrive on the island...Read more

The King of Space

by Jonny Duddle

Published 1 March 2013
Rex may look like an average six-year-old, living on his parents' moog farm and going to mini intergalactic citizen school, but he knows he's destined to become... the King of Space! With the help of his unsuspecting friends, Rex begins his conquest of the known worlds. And when he...Read more

The Pirates Next Door

by Jonny Duddle

Published 1 October 2011
The Jolley-Rogers have traded in the high seas for suburban life.

Meet the Jolley-Rogers — a pirate family who is moving to Dull-on-Sea, a quiet seaside town, while they fix up their ship. This unusual family soon has the whole neighborhood gossiping. Defying the grown-ups, Matilda becomes friends...Read more

While the Jolley-Rogers are enjoying a day at the beach, little sister Nugget toddles into a cave. When she doesn't come out again, Mum goes in to find her. And, when Mum doesn't return, Dad follows. Jim Lad is suspicious and sends Bones the dog to Dull-on-Sea to find...Read more

Ahoy there, shipmates! Join Jim Lad and Matilda as they sail the seven seas (and the coast of Dull-on-Sea) in search of treasure in this latest adventure from Jonny Duddle featuring the Jolley-Rogers.

When Matilda discovers a treasure map inside an old bottle, she shows it to the...Read more

Join pirate family the Jolley-Rogers as they move to Dull-on-Sea and get neighbourhood tongues wagging in Jonny Duddle's award-winning tale. Sound buttons and page-prompts mean even the youngest readers can make a pirate cheer or help Nugget (the youngest member of the family) fire her cannon!

Ahoy, me hearties! Matilda and the Pirates Next Door return in a series of illustrated stories for young readers.

Every full moon, a mysterious ship is seen off the coast of Dull-on-Sea. Then, the next day, gold and jewelry are missing from homes, shops, and museums all over...Read more

The Pirate-Cruncher (Sound Book)

by Jonny Duddle

Published 1 September 2014
An old fiddler tells a pirate crew of an island bursting with hidden treasure. But once the motley men have set sail for the mysterious island, he also tells them it is guarded by the terrible Pirate-Cruncher! Eventually their greed overcomes their fear - when they arrive on the...Read more

A Pirate's Guide to Landlubbing

by Jonny Duddle

Published 23 February 2015
Are you a swashbuckling sea dog curious about the ways of the land? Join Jim Ladd and the notorious Jolley-Rogers family as they navigate the weird world of landlubbers. Did you know that landlubbers wear shoes at all times because they never climb rigging? That they don't sleep in...Read more

Monstrous Book Of Monsters

by Jonny Duddle

Published 1 September 2011
Do you dare delve into the freakishly funny Monstrous Book of Monsters where nothing is as it seems? Dr Thomas Jelly has packed his notebook with nauseating novelties and foul facts to teach readers how to avoid monsters, to spot them in the news or on the street and...Read more

Bursting with crosswords, spot-the-difference, mazes and much, much more, this pirate-packed activity book also contains over 80 stickers to play with in the book, or to use to decorate things. With characters from Jonny Duddle's massively popular pirate picture books, The Pirate-Cruncher and The Pirates Next Door (the no....Read more