The authors develop a comprehensive theory of conformal graph directed Markov systems in the non-Riemannian setting of Carnot groups equipped with a sub-Riemannian metric. In particular, they develop the thermodynamic formalism and show that, under natural hypotheses, the limit set of an Carnot conformal GDMS has Hausdorff dimension given by Bowen's parameter. They illustrate their results for a variety of examples of both linear and nonlinear iterated function systems and graph directed Markov systems in such sub-Riemannian spaces. These include the Heisenberg continued fractions introduced by Lukyanenko and Vandehey as well as Kleinian and Schottky groups associated to the non-real classical rank one hyperbolic spaces.

The authors construct Heegaard Floer theory for 3-manifolds with connected boundary. The theory associates to an oriented, parametrized two-manifold a differential graded algebra. For a three-manifold with parametrized boundary, the invariant comes in two different versions, one of which (type $D$) is a module over the algebra and the other of which (type $A$) is an $\mathcal A_\infty$ module. Both are well-defined up to chain homotopy equivalence. For a decomposition of a 3-manifold into two pieces, the $\mathcal A_\infty$ tensor product of the type $D$ module of one piece and the type $A$ module from the other piece is $\widehat{HF}$ of the glued manifold. As a special case of the construction, the authors specialize to the case of three-manifolds with torus boundary. This case can be used to give another proof of the surgery exact triangle for $\widehat{HF}$. The authors relate the bordered Floer homology of a three-manifold with torus boundary with the knot Floer homology of a filling.