The Real Test (Sharp Shades)

by Jill Atkins

Published 1 January 2019
Ryan has just passed his driving test - first time. It was a cinch.
He's desperate to borrow his mum's car and take the gorgeous Mollie out for the evening. But Mum keeps saying no.
What's her problem? What's she afraid of ... ? Or does she know something...Read more

Aftershock (Sharp Shades)

by Jill Atkins

Published 1 January 2019
Maddy survives a dealdy tsunami, but she can't find her family. Are they alive? And will she ever get the chance to say sorry?

Aftershock is part of the Sharp Shades 2.0 series. This is a shorter version of the original book published as a Shade 2.0....Read more