Mind's Eye

by Gillian Philip

Published 10 August 2008
Lara hates the Braindeads as much as all the other kids do. They're scary. After all, being telepathic isn't right. So putting special implants in their brains to stop it is the right thing to do. Isn't it? Hating them is fine - until one day you realise you're...Read more


by Mary Chapman

Published 13 July 2007
It tells her when to eat. It tells her when to sleep. It even tells her when to go to the toilet. For Penna - and for everyone else - life is controlled by the LOP, or Life Organisation Programmer, attached to their wrists. So when the LOPs all...Read more

Sea Fever (Sharp Shades)

by Gillian Philip

Published 1 October 2013
Saul loves playing in the sea, but his father hates him going near it ever since Saul's mother drowned. Unhappy with these restrictions, Saul runs away to the waters - where he makes a life-changing discovery. Has he found his true home at last?

In the same style...Read more

The Messenger

by John Townsend

Published 26 November 2004
When a glass Christmas angel smashes in front of Chris's motorbike, a stranger warns him this must be an omen. It is only when he and his girlfriend get trapped on the moors on Christmas Eve, that Chris wonders if he should have taken the warning more seriously. For...Read more

The Messenger (Sharp Shades)

by John Townsend

Published 1 October 2013
When Chris sees an ornamental glass angel smash at his feet he doesn't think anything of it. But when a trip to the moors with his girlfriend brings strange events, he begins to think it may have been a bad omen. Then, out of the blue a stranger warns...Read more

Gunshots At Dawn (Sharp Shades)

by Mary Chapman

Published 30 November 2015
Robbie and his brother Jim find an old car up at Grange Farm. It's abandoned during the week, so soon they are regular joyriders. It's great fun, but then they are witnesses to what definitely looks like criminal activity. They are faced with a dilemma: should they report what...Read more

Flashback (Sharper Shades)

by John Townsend

Published 30 November 2015
A long time ago, when Bernard was thirteen, he killed a man. Everyone called him a hero. But ever since that time the past has haunted his dreams. Can Bernard ever come to terms with what he did?

Part of the Fresh Shades series, this is a shorter...Read more

In a future where hospitals seem to be able to fix anything, Jake's accident should have been easy to sort out. Yes, Jake should have been more careful with the chainsaw, but with regeneration even severed arms could be regrown. So why aren't Jake's friends allowed to see him?...Read more

Death on Toast (Sharp Shades)

by John Townsend

Published 30 November 2015
Freddy's parents leave him on his own most of the time - and when they are around, they're always complaining. After learning about some deadly mushrooms in Biology, Freddie plans some tasty revenge for his neglectful, moaning parents. Fancy a slice of killer pizza, anyone?

Part of the...Read more

Hunter's Moon

by John Townsend

Published December 2004
Something very odd is happening in the woods. Neil loves his job as a gamekeeper, but there are rumours of dark creatures in the woods. Then Neil finds strange scratch marks on the trees. When his boss has a mysterious accident and Neil receives a strange warning, he decides...Read more

Hunter's Moon (Sharp Shades)

by John Townsend

Published 1 October 2013
When his boss is mysteriously hurt, young gamekeeper Neil is left to look after the woods and pheasants on his own. There have been rumours of a panther on the loose, and now Neil notices some odd scratch marks on the trees. Is this message a warning? And will...Read more

Four tales of terror to keep you awake at night ...
A girl gives a lift to a stranger on a misty road ...
Zitty Zoe makes a promise in return for glowing, radiant skin ...
An ancient wrong needs to be set right ...
A Series One Land...Read more


by John Townsend

Published 28 August 2014
A long time ago, when Bernard was thirteen, he killed a man. Everyone called him a hero. But ever since that time the past has haunted his dreams. Can Bernard ever come to terms with what he did?

Part of the new Fresh Shades series, this book is...Read more

The Phoenix Conspiracy

by Mary Chapman

Published 28 August 2014
In a future where hospitals seem to be able to fix anything, Jake's accident should have been easy to sort out. Yes, Jake should have been more careful with the chainsaw, but with regeneration even severed arms could be regrown. So why aren't Jake's friends allowed to see him?...Read more

Death on Toast

by John Townsend

Published 28 August 2014
Freddy's parents leave him on his own most of the time - and when they are around, they're always complaining. After learning about some deadly mushrooms in Biology, Freddie plans some tasty revenge for his neglectful, moaning parents. Fancy a slice of killer pizza, anyone?

Part of the...Read more