The Thunderbolts eLibrary Pack

by David Orme and Helen Orme

Published 1 February 2013
Thunderbolts is a series of leveled reading books covering popular non-fiction topics, with particular appeal to older readers. Each book contains a non-fiction section followed by a fiction story on the same topic. There are four sets in the series. Each set contains six books and is leveled to...Read more


by David Orme

Published 2 September 2005
It is 2nd September 1666 in London and Martin Outwich is suddenly awoken by the sounds of fire. He thinks nothing of it, but the fire is spreading and very quickly the whole city is ablaze. Abandoned by his master, Martin must race across the city to save his...Read more


by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about the jungles on our planet, and 'read' a story about a plane crash in the jungle.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on a popular topic to provide interest for an...Read more


by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about snakes of the world, and 'read' a fabulous 'snakes' story.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on a popular topic to provide interest for an older age range and, as part...Read more

Big and Bigger

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about big things, and even bigger things, all in a book without words. Then 'read' a story about neighbours competing to get the biggest car.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on...Read more


by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about skyscrapers past and present, from the tallest buildings of the ancient past to the skyscrapers of tomorrow. Then read a story about a skyscraper with a 'secret' floor.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling...Read more

Yucky Food

by Helen Orme

Published 1 October 2013
What is the world's yuckiest food? What yucky food did the Romans eat? Which fish can kill you if you eat the wrong part? It's all in here. Then read a story about food that looks yucky - but tastes great!

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting...Read more

Menacing Monsters

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about the different kinds of menacing monsters in our world. Then read a story about a famous scary monster from history.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on a popular topic to...Read more

That's Really Sweet

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
This is a book about chocolate and sweets. Find out what's in a bar of chocolate, and discover how to make truffles. Plus, read a story about a woman who acquires the Midas touch, with everything turning to chocolate.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos...Read more

Space Ships

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about space stations, space shuttles, Voyager 2 and trips to Mars followed by a story about a mission to Mars where they find more than they expect...

This fun, non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It...Read more

Cool Cars

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about different types of cars over the years, and then 'read' a story about a high-speed drive to hospital.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on a popular topic to provide interest...Read more


by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about some of the dramatic dangers in our world, and 'read' a story about the dangers of fire.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on a popular topic to provide interest for...Read more


by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
What are robots? Where can you find them? What do they do? What do they look like? It's all in here. Then read a story about a robot that starts to take control of the home - and invites its friends around as well.

This fun non-fiction reading...Read more

Amazing Apes

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about the amazing apes in our world: chimpanzees, orang-utans, and even humans! Plus, read a story about some clever orang-utans who find some food for the taking.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It...Read more

Ghosts and Ghouls

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Ghosts, haunted castles, ghouls and even a screaming skull: find out all about ghosts and ghouls. Then read a terrifying story about a child trapped in a haunted hotel.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It...Read more

Polar Animals

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Do polar bears eat penguins? Can penguins fly? How do animals survive in the cold? It's all in here. The read a story about one polar animal that comes back to haunt its hunters: 'The Ghost Whale'.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations,...Read more

Shop 'Til You Drop

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
This is a book all about shopping, past and present. It also includes a story about owning up when your 'shopping' goes wrong.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on a popular topic to...Read more

A Load of Rubbish

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Find out about all the rubbish we create, and what we do with it. Then 'read' a story about searching through rubbish for lost concert tickets.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses on a...Read more

Ouch! That Hurts!

by Helen Orme

Published 1 October 2013
This is a book all about surgery past and present. It includes stone-age surgery, surgery in the time of Nelson, body snatchers and operating theatres today. Then read a true story about a wildnerness hiker faced with a terrible, life-or-death decision.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting...Read more

Awesome Pets

by David Orme

Published 1 October 2013
Clever pets, working pets, crazy pets, grumpy pets and weird pets: it's all in here! Then read a story about a clever dog that saves its owner's life.

This fun non-fiction reading book, with exciting colour photos and illustrations, will appeal to all older struggling readers. It focuses...Read more