
by Knut Holt

Published October 1987
Today's climate of change is affecting both manufacturing and non-manufacturing organisations as rapidly advancing technologies and an increasingly complex and unpredictable environment create not only new opportunities, but also new dangers. Many firms now consider technology to be so important that they treat it as a strategic issue and some even consider technological innovation to be the key to securing long-term survival and growth. In order to master this situation, a high degree of innovative behaviour is required and this poses a real challenge to the engineer who has a central role to play in this development, as well as to marketing and financial personnel. Written primarily for engineers in manufacturing industries, this book will be equally useful for marketing personnel, and contains much of relevance to non-manufacturing industries (e.g. government agencies, research institutes, airlines, hospitals, banks). Its aim is to provide engineers with knowledge that will help them do a better job by creating awareness of their role in innovative activities and by providing concepts, models and tools to supplement their technological knowledge and experience.