Whether you are after that crucial first job - or heading for the dizzying heights of senior management - this book answers many critical interview questions, presenting any prospective employee with the tools they need in order nail that dream job.

Cultivate a Cool Career

by Ken Langdon

Published 25 June 2004
"A rut would have been better than where I was stuck...My career had started so well. I had a boss who thought I was wonderful and the future looked fantastic. It all changed when our company was bought out. My old boss left and if my new boss had one more brain cell he'd have been a half wit. I was in danger of going from bright young thing to old has-been in a matter of months. Then it struck me - couldn't I devise a series of strategies to help me jump-start my career? That's what I did - I took responsibility, boosted my earnings and, just as important, started enjoying work again. If I can do it, so can you, especially as this book contains all the ideas that helped me succeed." - Ken Langdon. With this series, readers can enhance their existing skills with negligible investment of time or money and will substantially improve their performance over the course of a year. Each of the 52 chapters tackles a single aspect of the subject in an entertaining and lively way.

You Can

by John Middleton, Ken Langdon, and Nikki Cartwright

Published 28 September 2009
Motivation is what makes the world go round - everything we do has a reason behind it, but do we always understand what that reason is? Imagine if you could increase your own motivation levels, and those of people around you - think of everything you could achieve. But how do you increase your motivation, let alone anyone elses? With the help of the expert ideas and advice in You can readers will discover how they can get more out of themselves, the people around them, and life in general. No more sitting back waiting for things to happen on their own - with "You Can" it becomes simple to see where you can make positive changes, and before you know it you'll be improving your life in all areas, be it home, love, work or play. Learn how to understand what motivates others, and how to tailor your reactions to a situation to get the best results. With the help of "You Can", the sky is the limit - you just have to remember to aim high! Simply brilliant.