Re-energise Your Sex Life

by Elizabeth Wilson

Published 30 November 2004
"Re-energise your Sex Life" will help you rediscover your lost passion using practical tips and techniques that you can build in to your everyday life. Elisabeth passionately reveals how to: try new things without embarrassment; fall in love with yourself; tell your partner what you really want; use surprise to rediscover those early days of your relationship; use fantasy erotically; and learn (or re-learn) simple but effective new techniques. You can get that loving feeling back with a little effort, a little imagination and by using Elisabeth's inspirational ideas.

Stress-Proof Your Life

by Elizabeth Wilson

Published 23 December 2005
"Let's face it, if you're the type of person who enjoys lighting lavender candles and spending an hour in the bath every night 'chilling out', then you're probably not the type that's going to get that stressed to begin with. Stress-proof your life is for the people who struggle to find time for a shower much less a bath. It's for the ones who are still clicking their mouse or ironing a shirt at 11.30pm. The ones who don't take their annual leave and worry that stress is affecting their health and relationships. Or they would worry if they weren't so knackered and that report wasn't due in at 9am. It's going to take a lot more than a candle-lit bubble bath to sort them out..." Elisabeth Wilson. Stress is not a generic thing although it's always treated that way. Some people are really good at avoiding some stresses without realising that they are slaves to another kind. Elisabeth looks at the sources - occupational, genetic and environmental - and reveals 52 clever techniques and ideas that focus on the causes rather than simply telling people how to deal with the symptoms. Here are just some of the chapters to be discovered: Admit your addiction!
The power of positive stress; Give a little, get a lot - why volunteering could be the best decision you've ever made; Too stressed to sleep? - it happens, here's what to do if it happens to you (Strictly no lavender candles); and The 'stop and collapse' effect - if you're fed up with getting sick on the very first day of your holiday, here's how to prevent it. With the "52 Brilliant Ideas" series readers can enhance their existing skills with negligible investment of time or money and will substantially improve their performance over the course of a year. Each of the 52 chapters tackles a single aspect of the subject in an entertaining and lively way. At the end of each chapter is a "how did it go?" feature which allows readers to reflect on the lesson in a classical experiential learning pattern. The tone of each book is personal and informal; readers will feel as thought they are having a one-to-one with their favourite coach.

Boundless Energy

by Elizabeth Wilson

Published 31 August 2007
With ideas and tips ranging from the best energy-giving breakfasts to everyday foods for energy lifts, and from the low-down on medical and complementary therapies that can help to spot and squash the workplace horrors that drag you down, the author has ideas for boosting your energy in every area of your life.