Virginia Woolf

by John Batchelor

Published 22 February 1991
Virginia Woolf (1882-941) is one of the most interesting writers of our century. In this introductory book, John Batchelor tells the story of her life and writing career, highlighting the important aspects of Woolf's temperament: her passion, her learning, her acute intelligence, her lesbianism, her self-absorption. He discusses the works, devoting separate chapters to the five major novels: Jacob's Room, with its highly ironic celebration of masculinity; Mrs Dalloway, with its odd time structures and pointed observation of 1920s London society; To the Lighthouse, which can be read as an elegy for Woolf's own family as well as a great work of modernism; The Waves, extending the narrative methods of its predecessors; and Between the Acts, Woolf's complex satire of the Condition-of-England novel. In addition, Professor Batchelor looks at Woolf's uneasy relation to modernism and the question of her feminism. This book, equipped with a chronology and guide to recommended further reading, is an ideal companion for students and new readers of Woolf.

H. G. Wells

by John Batchelor

Published 21 March 1985
H. G. Wells wrote almost a hundred books, yet he is generally remembered for only a handful of them. He is known above all as a writer who heralded the future, yet throughout his life he clung to fixed attitudes from the Victorian past. He began his career as a draper's apprentice; by the age of forty-five he had secured an international reputation as the author of The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, Kipps and Tono Bungay; he went on to establish himself as an influential educator, polemicist and sage. In this book John Batchelor offers a readable introduction to Wells's huge and varied output as a writer and thinker. He guides the reader through the whole oeuvre, and argues persuasively that at his best Wells was a great artist: a man with a remarkable, restless imagination (not limited, as many critics have implied, merely to his early romances) and with a coherent and responsible theory of fiction.